​Maximize your production, minimize your environmental footprint. Safely and reliably.
This is New Oil Generation.
​Climate change is a pressing issue and a huge challenge for our generation. This is the reason why we have built our technology with concern for the environment on our minds.
Pollution and GHG emissions caused by the construction industry are enormous. The construction sector contributes up to 23% of air pollution, 40% of drinking water pollution and 50% of landfill wastes. Overall the industry accounts for 40% of worldwide energy usage. Other EOR options require an infrastructure and facility development that leaves a permanent landscape footprint. Our mobile, compact and small unit leaves none.
Once deployed, ECT technology will maximize the production of existing well/s, thus avoid the need for further drilling and therefore again reduce your environmental footprint regardless of if it’s energy consumption or site/well construction
Water scarcity has become an issue in many countries. ECT drastically reduces water and also energy consumption needed for the operation
Chemical reaction taking place in the injection spearhead down in the well leaves environmentally harmless by-product. What’s more, this by-product usually stays inside the well. Also, the volume of waste water gathered during the application is minimal and contains no hazardous substances
Source: The Circularity Gap Report 2020, Circle Economy